NG Total Listing

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The NG Total Listing and Quick Draw lists have been permanently discontinued. Check the latest news entry for more info!

Current Lists

Blam/Protect ListsRequirementsLast UpdateMirror LinksNext UpdateCounter Stats
Blam/Protect At least 100 blam/protect points 3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Blam/Protect (Alt Sort) At least 100 blam/protect points,
at least 1 b/p point since last update
3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Blam/Protect Lifetime At least 100 blam/protect points,
at least 1 b/p point per day
3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Blams 100 blams 3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Saves 100 saves 3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Blam-to-Save Ratio At least 100 blam/protect points,
more blams than saves
3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Save-to-Blam Ratio At least 100 blam/protect points,
more saves than blams
3/16/05 Local n/a StatCounter


Other ListsRequirementsLast UpdateMirror LinksNext UpdateCounter Stats
Experience At least 100 experience points 3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Voting Power At least 2.00 voting power 3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Reviews At least 25 reviews 3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Batting Average Batting average 3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
BBS Posts At least 500 posts 3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Do not advertise the BBS Posts list on the NG BBS!!!
All List Ranks NEW! Listed in Blam/Save and
Experience lists
3/13/05 Local n/a StatCounter
Profile List 2/26/05 N/A n/a

Special Thanks

Frequently Asked Questions


Update: March 20, 2005
Welcome to the Sunday, March 20, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.
Just as a reminder, this is the final update for the NGTL.

NG Total Listing
August 28, 2004 - March 20, 2005

Update: March 14, 2005

As of March 20, the NG Total Listing will be permanently discontinued, due to threats made by our very own Wade Fulp. You can see them here: I'll admit, the number of hits I place on the database (especially on the monthlies) is quite high, but resorting to such threats was rather low. He could have just asked me to stop, and I would have complied, no questions asked. Accusing me of attempting a Denial of Service attack was especially low. I've lost a great deal of respect for the people who run this site.

I will, however, keep my Quick Draw program running for three reasons:

1) It's relatively low-impact. It loads the same number of pages that I would if I were manually saving the pages.
2) There's no plans for a true NG replacement for this list.
3) It's rather popular with NG users.

Granted, the NGTL was especially popular (I get 200-300 hits every Sunday), but it has been specifically targeted for shutdown. Also, I'm leaving my NGLister running, because the people that use this program would be manually pulling the exact same pages anyway, and in much fewer numbers than the NGTL. Sometime next week, I'll see about making a cumulative change list for b/p and experience from August 28 to March 20 (7 months, the entire span of the NGTL).

It's been a fun seven months, and I'm glad I've helped as many people as I have with these lists. I do plan on remaining a member of this forum, unless Wade decides that reloading the forum page to check on new topics is a DoS attack and threatens to have me arrested.

Update: March 9, 2005
Welcome to the Wednesday, March 9, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.

Important: This is the last NGTL update until March 20, due to Spring Break. Note that the ProgTracker will continue to update, because I am going to leave the programs running in my absence. However, although these lists are being built, I won't be around to post them.

News Archive

Other Lists

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