JF Scanner


JF Scanner
  1. Description
  2. Computer-Generated Pictures and Models
  3. Sample Scan
  4. Specifications
  5. Parts List
  6. Building Instructions
  7. RCX and PC Software

1. Description

The JF Scanner is my latest design for a flatbed scanner. The latest improvements I've made are a simple data compression method, a rotation sensor to improve precision, and better gearing of the car motor.

NEW! I've optimized the 3-D models and improved the building instructions!

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2. Computer-Generated Pictures and Models

The following are computer-generated pictures of the JF Scanner that I created using the LEdit, L3P, and POV-Ray software packages:

Front View
Front View

Back View
Back View

If you want to download the model for the JF Scanner (you must have an LEdit model viewer to use these), download one of the following options:

scanner_all.zip108 KBA ZIP file of the JF Scanner DAT files and all dependent DAT files (you might have all of these)
scanner_small.zip4 KBA ZIP file of only the JF Scanner DAT files

Once you download and extract one of the above options, view "Opt_scan.dat" to see the entire JF Scanner. (View "Opt_base", "Opt_bus", or "Opt_car" to see the separate components of the JF Scanner).

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3. Sample Scan

I used a 4x6 photograph to take the scan below. If you create this scanner from the building instructions, then you will notice that a photo is too long to fit in the bed of the scanner. However, if you put the protruding ends of the photo underneath the long Technic bricks (the ones with holes), then the photo fits just fine.

Original Image

Original Image
Scanned Image

Scanned Image

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4. Specifications:

Number of parts:406
Number of motors:3
Number of touch sensors:2 (on one input)
Number of light sensors:1
Number of rotation sensors:1
Storage capacity before upload:Up to 3000 pixels
Dots per inch (dpi):17 (varies)
Tray size:3" x 3" (can go infinite in one direction)
Scannable area:3.5" x 3.75"

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5. Parts List

Using another piece of software that I created for LDraw models, I've generated a parts list for the JF Scanner. There are three lists in this file, sorting by part name, part number, and number of parts. To view this file, click here.

For a parts list that separates RIS (Mindstorms)-included parts with non-RIS parts, click here.

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6. Building Instructions

The JF Scanner has three distinct parts:

Before you try building these parts, I have a few notes:

With all of that out of the way, there are two ways to view the building instructions:

If you have any questions or improvements, feel free to email me!

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7. RCX and PC Software

I have created software to run the scanner on the RCX (using NQC and RCXCC) and to receive the scanned image on the computer (using Microsoft Visual Basic). Read these first:

System requirements for the PC software (called ScanView):

To download the NQC code (2.7 KB), click here.
To view the ScanView website, click here.

As always, if you have any questions, email me. And, try to read the readme.txt file in the ScanView package. It'll help with most problems.

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Website maintained by JF Software - Joshua Foster
4,448,018 hits since July 14, 2003