LCDStudio Plugins

This is my collection of LCDStudio plugins. To use them, unzip the contents of the ZIP file into your LCDStudio folder, then enable the plugin through the Options window.

NameVersionDescriptionLast ModifiedHits
AquaReader 1.0.2 Reads XML log file information from AquaComputer's AquaSuite. 2006-03-23 3567
BetterDateTime 1.1 Gives more detailed date and time information. 2006-05-20 3779
Calculator 1.0 Simple 4-function calculator plugin. 2006-03-23 2003
DiskInfo 1.0 Pulls a variety of information on your computer's disk drives, including overall total space and free space. 2006-03-20 3282
KeyCapture 1.3.1 Allows you to capture keypress events for any key and any modifiers, along with current and last keypress information. Also features a built-in Calculator. 2006-05-23 2904
MyPlugin 1.0.1 VB.NET translation of Ray's config panel plugin example. 2006-03-21 2260
RandomQuote 1.0 Pulls a random quote from the database. 2006-05-21 2061
SSPlugin 1.0 Determines if the screen saver is enabled and running. Also determines if power saving features are enabled. 2006-05-21 2056
TrueIP 1.1 Pulls your actual IP address, rather than local IP addresses given by your router. 2006-05-21 3900

Website maintained by JF Software - Joshua Foster
4,409,769 hits since July 14, 2003