Unzip the contents of this ZIP file into your LCDStudio folder, then enable the plugin through the Options window to use it. WARNING ======= This plugin is currently INCOMPATIBLE with the KeyCapture plugin. If this plugin is loaded at the same time as KeyCapture, then KeyCapture will not capture any keypresses until Calculator is disabled and LCDStudio is restarted. I'm working on looking for a workaround. Before Using this Plugin! ========================= In the Options window, under the Plugins section, select Calculator. Once you've enabled the plugin, you'll need to set up a toggle key for turning the Calculator on and off. To do this, click the Change button and press the key (along with Shift, Alt, Control, or any combo of the three if you wish) that will turn the Calculator on and off. Once you've done this, the Calculator will be functional. Using the Calculator ==================== To turn the Calculator on and off, press the toggle key you set up earlier. When you turn the Calculator on, your keyboard is effectively turned off, and only the Calculator will pick up your keypresses. To turn the Calculator off (and turn your keyboard back on), press the toggle key again. As of this version, the Calculator only supports the basic 4 functions: + - × ÷. You can enter numbers using either the top-row number keys, or using the numeric keypad (note that Num Lock does *not* need to be turned on to use the numeric keypad with the Calculator). Pressing the period (.) key on your keyboard enters a decimal point, pressing Shift+Equal (+) enters an addition operation, pressing minus (-) enters a subtraction operation, pressing Shift+8 (*) or X enters a multiplication operation, pressing forward-slash (/) enters a division operation, pressing equal (=) or Enter completes the operation, pressing Escape clears the Calculator, and pressing Backspace removes the last number/decimal you entered. Note that the numeric keypad operation keys work as well. Using the Calculator in a Design ================================ The Calculator\IsActive value indicates if the Calculator is active. The Calculator\Display value contains the actual Calculator display (number only). The Calculator\CurrentOperation value contains the current operation symbol, or blank text if no operation is active. For an example of how Calculator is used, open calc.xds, included in this package.