War of the Portal
Part 1, Chapter 11 - "A Loss"
January 12, 2005
By Alkador
Sixteen people stood at the edge of the red barren plains, their dark black
clothes flickering in the wind. None dared speak a word as silence filled them
all. Not even the loose red sands would make anyone cover their eyes. They held
all their feelings in. For this silence was not any kind of silence you would
have. This was a silence for a hero that had shown the meaning of true courage.
The people thought back to that day, exactly one week ago. People reminisced
that very day, a day that would be written in the books of history as a day of
glory, but also a day of sadness.
Inuzuka-Kiba clambered down to his aid. “I won’t let go – I promise!”
“I can’t hold on any longer!” Cried Drimarki.
"Contego intestinus universum!"
The two guards spoke together once more. “It is done! The portal is sealed!”
That was the very day the portal was sealed. It was a sealing of a threat that
dared to destroy the world. The people stood still and strong. For them, the
sealing meant nothing. It was the loss that had touched them all.
Inuzuka-Kiba ensured that Drimarki would not fall. He gritted his teeth as
he threw his other arm to Drimarki's wrist. "I promise!" With all his
strength, he pulled the man up slowly as BonusStage and Recon_Rebel protected
them both.
"Are you ok?" Asked TheJoe324. "We have to get out of here
before the portal caves in and seals itself fully!"
Although not everyone was within the portal at the time, the strong words that
the men used to explained afterwards was more than enough to give reason for
this day. It would not be a day of mourning, but a day of memory, a memory of
someone special.
The world shook as the hole above them seemed to rise a few feet higher. The
island had lowered itself and the world was still shaking madly.
"We can't get out!" Panicked RedCircle. "It's too high
"We just need a boost!" Replied BonusStage, aware of the island
slowly crumbling away.
TheJoe324 ran to Jonthomson, giving his hands to push the guard up to the hole
so he could climb through the hole that was slowly moving higher in the air.
Gfoxcook went afterwards. TheJoe324 ensured that he was safely boosted up by
Recon_Rebel, who also aided RedCircle. BonusStage helped RedCircle, who still
wore his tattered black hood and jeans up first, and then Drimarki helped
BonusStage up.
"You go first!" Cried Inuzuka-Kiba. He squatted as Drimarki put his
foot on Inuzuka-Kiba's linked fingers, being boosted towards the hole. He made
his way through, managing to turn around, throwing his hand down to the last
man. The world shook again as the island dropped another few feet, too high for
any boost.
"Don't worry about me!" Cried Inuzuka-Kiba. "Save
"I c-can't!" Roared Drimarki. "You promised that you wouldn't
let go and I promise to get you out!"
Above the crater, TheJoe324 pulled Drimarki's arm. "There's not enough
time left. We have to get out of here!"
"It would have been an honour to meet this man," Said -Mazza-, a man
who had never had the chance to meet Inuzuka-Kiba.
"He sacrificed himself before all of us," Said M-A-R-C-U-S.
"That is what a hero is."
"It's just that things didn't work out the way we wished them to,"
Said RedCircle, who stared at the ground.
Inuzuka-Kiba looked at the hole as a disc of blue ignited from the hole,
expanding along the rocky roof. It was as if an upside down ocean had burst
from the small hole. The sealing had truly begun.
"Don't worry about me," Said the man. "I'll be just fine."
The island crumbled away as the island fell into the ocean of crimson,
Inuzuka-Kiba still standing on the rock that remained. He stared upwards,
thinking about all his friends. The end of his life would be the start of hope
for the world. He smiled at the thought as the sea swallowed the man.
"I will never forget you."
"We will never forget you too, Inuzuka-Kiba."
The End of Part 1 of The War of the Portal.