War of the Portal
Part 1, Chapter 4 - "The Facts"

December 29, 2004

By Alkador

Special thanks to RedCircle and Inuzuka-Kiba

The sun slowly rose east of the horizon as the group steadily moved on the soft clay earth, as hail continued to fall on their heads. They had been travelling for many days and the cold weather was becoming worse on the barren plains. The portal seemed far off in the distance and red lights still escaped from within. BonusStage had caught a terrible cold, whilst RedCircle tried to keep everyone in a good shape. Food was short and the cold weather helped no one. Everyone’s clothes slowly began to deteriorate, with the exception of D0GMA’s hooded cloak, which always seemed brand new. No one had noticed that they had not fought a single white creature on their way.

“Do you know why we are on our way to the portal?” Asked D0GMA.
“No?” Wondered Qwoxyl. “Why are we?”
“Silly Qwoxyl,” Commented Slightly_Crazy_Dude. “We’re off to the portal to stop what happened two months ago.”
Amd whab was dat?” Sniffed BonusStage.
“Allow me to explain,” Muttered FIGMENTUM. He looked at BonusStage, quickly frowning at the man’s condition. “Two months ago, the portal guards lost control of the submissions that flowed out of the portal. Something stopped the guards. The number of submissions went out of control and they managed to escape the portal. That’s what these white creatures have been if you weren’t aware. They’ve been attacking people and destroying everything. That’s why we’re going to the portal ourselves mate.”
“Now it makes so much sense,” Said Qwoxyl. “But how did it happen?”
“It’s rather simple if you put your mind to it,” Replied D0GMA. “All you have to do is think who would intend to destroy the portal and then think why. It’s so obvious that it’s a–“

Chants to the south made everyone turn their heads to the source of noise, curious as to what the sound could be. A small group of men wearing brown potato sacks as cloaks and brown veils, quickly charged towards the group, ignorant of the hail that fell around them.
Whoeth areth they?” Mumbled Recon, taking another swig of his whiskey.
Drimarki sighed as he looked at the oncoming group. “n00bs.”
The cloaked group stopped just before the men, with one of the cloaked men stepping in front of his group. “Hello, we are from the east. My name is randyrandy.”
Randyrandy?” Asked Inuzuka-Kiba, turning to XwaynecoltX. “What kind of name is that?”
Meh.” Said ones of the n00bs.
“Indeed.” Replied another.
“Sorry about them,” Said randyrandy. RedCircle stared at the man and noticed that he had an oversized lollypop looped to his belt. Its detail was fine as the lollypop itself is round, with a swirl of white and crimson. He shook his head as he looked back at randyrandy’s veiled face. Randyrandy coughed. “We want you to join us in our crusade.”
”And what is this ‘crusade’ of yours?” Asked RedCircle.
“Our crusade is to become famous!” Replied randyrandy.
“Err…I’m not really interested thanks” Commented Slightly_Crazy_Dude.

The ground shook as another red ball blasted from the portal. Everyone turned to face the huge red dot in the distance, watching the meteor move overhead, moving closer towards them, crashing in the crowd of n00bs, breaking the ground and destroying everything it struck.
“Not another one!” Growled RedCircle, wielding his bat.
“No!” Randyrandy roared at RedCircle, turning to face the growling monster. “How dare you! You vile monster!” Tears rolled from his eyes, falling onto the ground. He clenched his teeth as he began to growl in a low hum. He removed his veil, revealing a man with deep blue eyes and black hair. Anger fuelled his face as he clenched his teeth in pure rage. He wielded his lollypop, charging towards the submission. “This is from my friends!” He brought the lollypop to the creature’s side, slashing through its flesh, cutting it in half. The creature roared in agony as randyrandy smashed his lollypop upon the dead creature, cutting it up in rage and anger. The ground shook, forming cracks as randyrandy stopped, panting and staring at the few chunks of the creature that remained.

The others stared in awe, stepping back from randyrandy, making sure that none of them were hit by the blood soaked lollypop.
“M-May I join you?” Stuttered randyrandy. “I have to avenge my friend’s deaths and it seems you are off to the portal. We must hurry as they are becoming stronger.”
“Why do you think that?” Asked D0GMA.
“I was near the portal when it happened. There was a strange blue light and a firework of lights that erupted from the portal. I think the longer the portal is left unguarded, the more dangerous it will become for anyone to live.”
“I think it’s ok if you join us and D0GM–“ Inuzuka-Kiba stopped as he was interrupted by RedCircle.
“I’m sorry, but this is just all going too fast,” He placed bat back to his side. “I’m RedCircle,” He introduced everyone else to randyrandy and he told the teary man of their journey to this point. “I think that’s settled. Inuzuka-Kiba, you can comment as we move on. If what randyrandy says is true, we have to get to the portal soon.”

The group continued their way to an earth shaking portal. But no one seemed to notice that the clouds were gone, the hail non-existent and the moon slowly begin to cross over the sun.