War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 10 - "ramagi’s Secret"

February 16, 2005

By Alkador

The large group trudged on, tired, yet ready to complete their task. They did not know if what was required for the cure was in the city, but they had to be hopeful, or they would fail.
“I wonder how the others are going?” Asked M-A-R-C-U-S, focusing ahead.
“I’m sure they’ll be fine. They’re a strong group anyway.” Smiled ramagi.
“You’d know that, wouldn’t you?” YoinK_VineS melted a smile to his face.
“Yes, she would. ramagi knows all.” -Mazza- seemed hypnotised as well.
“Let’s just focus ourselves on the task ahead.” Interrupted TheJoe324.
“Every time we talk about ramagi,” Mumbled YoinK_VineS. “You shake it off. Do you have feelings for her?”
The guard flinched and stopped walking, just for a fraction of a second. Ignoring the comment, he proceeded forward again.
“What’s wrong?” RedCircle asked as he held the baby submission, which seemed to fearful of something, something that the submission could sense.
“Maybe he can sense danger,” Commented ShittyKitty. “I mean, we can see inside them. What stops them from seeing us?”
D0GMA entered the discussion. “This submission could be dangerous still. We don’t know if it will go wild and kill us in our sleep. But it has proven useful. That man and…what does this mean?”
“Danger?” Thought FIGMENTUM.
“But what kind of danger is the question?” XwaynecoltX pondered.
“We should keep ourselves ready then.” Smiled TheJoe324. "You never know what will happen."

The group began to see the edges of the city, black charred buildings from explosions carved with wear, destroyed by the submissions everyone assumed that had taken over, swarming like a hive of bees, ready to sting, ready to defend…but what? A screech behind them ended the wonder as they turned around, seeing a dark demon like human creature land on the ground. Its long pointed tail wavered around, as it ready to use as a whip, ready to lash out at anyone who tried to resist such a monster.
“What the…” TheJoe324 stepped forward, mallet in hand ready to strike.
“Stop!” Demanded the demon. It could speak!
Wh-what do you want from us?” Demanded RedCircle.
“I want your child…I am hungry. Give him to me and I shall be gone.”
“Child…what…hell no!” The baby seemed to cling yet even closer to RedCircle, ready to live on.

"Very well," Smiled the demon, revealing white teeth hidden beneath masses of burnt black flesh. "You'll have to go with him!"
The demon raised his hand, firing a ball of green light. RedCircle ducked as he stared as the large energy crashing into the ground behind him.
YoinK_Vines raised his hand, moving his right hand in a rapid, pattern like motion. A purple bubble appeared as he launched it, bursting into what became a giant blue beam, firing towards the demon. The demon caught the beam, somehow deflecting it like a beam of light, reflecting the energy upwards, away from his body.
FIGMENTUM charged towards the monster, throwing his nunchucks wildly. Everyone else joined in the action as they charged to the demon, ready to take their own slice of action.
The creature laughed as he squatted, blasting into the sky. He arched his spine backwards as bolts of lightining rained everywhere.
"What kind of monster is this?" Gasped M-A-R-C-U-S as he ducked the bolts of plasma that blasted from the demon's body.
"Whatever it is, it's god damn strong!" Added TheJoe324. "If only..."
"RedCircle," Roared ramagi. "Get behind me. I'll finish this now!"
RedCircle quickly ran behind the girl, unsure as to what she would 'finish' the demon with. His eyes widened as ramagi began to move her hand down beneath her shirt, towards her chest, under her clothes, feeling, fumbling. Everyone stared at ramagi as she felt for something beneath her top, including the demon, who had been drooling a pool of salivia, eyes focused at her 'lumpy' chest.

The girl pulled a shining trinket from within...her clothes. It shone with a golden light that seemed to radiate the area. ramagi only smiled as she raised the heavenly object - a shining whistle to her mouth. The demon stared at the lady, crying out for her to stop. She breathed in as she firmly pressed her lips against the whistle, blowing a high pitched sound the demon could not stand. It fell to the ground, shaking, roaring as to what seemed like agony. Flames engulfed the creature as it continued to scream, even when it was dead. The light from the whistle vanished, revealing a golden whistle that seemed to be of great value. ramagi only smiled as she tucked it back in.
"It's been a while since I used that. Shall we be off?" The others only stared in awe.

It took at least five minutes for everyone to focus, moving on. It seemed that ramagi's hand motions filled their heads.