War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 12 - "The Lab"

February 22, 2005

By Alkador
Note: Blame RedCircle for any spelling, name or grammar mistakes.


The group walked undercover as they entered what seemed to be a half ruined corridor. It appeared twisted and scorched by explosions from the apparent gas pipes that spread throughout the whole entire complex.
"This is it," Said ramagi. "The biotech laboratory."
"It took a while," Replied M-A-R-C-U-S. "I suppose we can relax now."
the_phantom_spancker's ears twitched as he felt vibrations slowly resonating of the walls. "What's that?" He asked as he stopped moving.
"I guess we can't relax just yet." Smirked TheJoe324.
The vibrations appeared to grow stronger until it felt like a large earthquake. XwaynecoltX broke the silence. "The others!"
"It couldn't be," Responded YoinK_VineS. "Such an earthquake as far away as that would require...no, it's too much."
"You did say," Afterburner added. "That the man was capable of powers never seen before. It could be him."
"It's a possibility," Answered -Mazza-. "Who knows what hidden power he has."
"And..." ShittyKitty paused for a second. "What if it's not them?"
"What are you trying to suggest?" Asked RedCircle as he noticed his submission's had bulged and appeared to be moaning in a quiet voice. At what?

ramagi stopped as the others suddenly noticed that she had found the room, the lab that would seemingly save the world. "This is it," She replied as she opened the door. The others quickly followed behind her as they entered the huge, glass shard littered floor. Most of the chemicals appeared to be in their place against the wall safe in their holders and some had fallen to the deadly fate of the assumed eruptions from the submissions.
"I'll get working on it now." ramagi said as she quickly proceeded to obtain pen and paper, quickly formulating calculations on her paper. -Mazza- stared at her hands, her elegancy at writing. His eyes rolled up to her arms, soft and smooth, working to her shoulders, yes, her soft tender shoulders ready for someone to rub. He focused between them as she bent down, looking for something beneath the table. Little did he know that the majority of the other people were doing the same.

Another violent shake diverted their attention as they looked around.
"What IS that?" Wondered XwaynecoltX.
“Whatever it is, let me focus on this task,” ramagi said as she quickly gathered chemicals, mixing them over a small Bunsen burner flame.
The wall shook as they heard a roar cry from outside the room.
“What the hell is that?” Moaned FIGMENTUM.
“It’s that experiment,” Gasped ramagi, appearing to rush in her experimentation. You guys better go distract it while I do this. It’s attracted to heat!
“What are we waiting for then?” Smiled Afterburner.
“Let’s go.” Suggested Crono-.

Everyone except for ramagi left the room as they walked down the shaking corridor. The distorted growls grew louder and louder until they stepped through what seemed to be a steel inch thick door with a huge hole punched in the middle.
“It says this is the specimen area,” Said MPA. “This is where that strange creature must be.”
They entered one of the large rooms to find an oversized rat. the_phantom_spancker tried to leave the room, but no one else followed. Its red eyes glowed as it gave out a huge roar. RedCircle gasped as the rat stared at him.

The deadly rat stared at him as the man tried to violently tear his head away, but his eyes were fixated on the rat’s red glowing eyes. He suddenly felt a burning pain surge through his body, as if electrifying and tearing him apart at the same time. He screamed in a terror of pain as he tried to close his eyes, but they were focused on the rat, the one that was killing him. He gave one last scream as his body spontaneously combusted. The rat smiled.

RedCircle fell to the floor as he escaped the rat’s nightmare. Everyone screamed as they charged away from the room. The rat scream as it fired a red beam of laser at the wall, burning the material apart. D0GMA ran to RedCircle, picking him and the submission up, grunting as the rat lunged towards the escaper. The group charged down the corridor and ShittyKitty quickly entered the lab ramagi was in.
“Hurry up, there’s a giant rat!” He gasped, quickly leaving the room in fear.
ramagi sighed as she completed the experiment, yet she had one chemical that seemed to not be in the lab. Quickly charging out the room, the group raced through the twisted corridor and exited the building hearing the cry of the giant brown haired rat echo behind them. They charged away from the city as fast as they could.
The rat chased after them in the street as they stopped and faced no other choice to confront it. Ramagi swore as she placed the vial in her pocket.
“I only need one ingredient…naphthalene.”

She stopped talking as the rat loomed on the group, ready to kill with its huge eyes.

To be continued…