War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 14 - "The Dark Truth 2"
March 1, 2005
By Alkador
The group of twenty four ran as the man threw large balls of magnified flame
towards them. He laughed as they dodged his attacks.
“Mortal fools!” Laughed the man. “You cannot defeat
me, even with your large numbers!”
ramagi turned around,
focusing for power. She released a hail of ice from the heavens as the man held
his hand upwards, expanding a shield from his palm.
“It’s not good,” Groaned XkwiziTOnE.
“We’ll run out of energy sooner or later.”
“You’re right,” Replied Rooty-the-Pie. “If he gets a
hold of the virus cure, then we’re doomed.”
The group continued to run.
After D0GMA’s use of the power, the group had formed some powerful connection,
drawing them as one. They had been miraculously teleported to the other side of
the city, no one seemingly injured. It seemed to bring in three new men; XkwiziTOnE, Rooty-the-Pie and carmelhadinosaur who also appeared with the others. But it
also brought the man and his friend, Tom_s00 to the scene as well. This was the
reason they were running, as the man’s dark power was too strong for any of
them to handle. They all feared death. And they knew what happened the last
time they surrendered and handed him the virus cure…
Bolts of lightning scarred the sky as the man summoned himself in front of the
escaping men. The only way to stop them would be to charge in their escape
route. That would get them talking.
“What do you want?” Demanded Gfoxcook.
The man smiled. “I suppose it is time for some more answers,” He laughed
softly. “But the truth can be deadly.”
“The truth? What is there to know about you?” Roared Qwoxyl, who still had blood pumped with fumes of anger.
“What is there to know?” The man laughed, voice booming yet again. “There is
everything to know about me, but it would take too much time for any you to
learn all. Therefore, I shall tell you…who I am.”
“Do we really care who you are?” Mumbled Slightly_Crazy_Dude.
“Let him speak,” Replied TheJoe324. “We might know him.”
The man laughed again. “Oh you know me well. More than well, you know me like
the sun and moon.”
“I don’t get you.” Sighed RedCircle.
“Very well…my purpose. I created the virus for one reason, and that reason will
fail if you deliver the cure to the submissions.” A smile curled on his lips.
“And what reason,” ReconRebel paused. “Is that?”
“It’s simple really, yet you are all too blind and stubborn to see that.”
“How dare you insult us?” Cried randyrandy.
“Insult you? Bah, do you want the same fate as BonusStage?”
The man raised his right hand as a red ball appeared. Everyone stepped back. He
made it disappear as he grabbed a firm hold of his cloak, tearing it off into
the wind. Beneath the cloth was a dark binding of metal armour,
seeming to match the man’s dark black hair.
Jonthomson gasped. “You are…”
“No way!” Gaped YoinK_VineS.
M-A-R-C-U-S Added: “It’s you!”
“Yes it is I, the great surviving guard. I did not die whatever you thought!”
“Why are you doing this…and I thought…” D0GMA held
“You are smart D0GMA and for that I shall let you live.”
”Who is he?” Asked XwaynecoltX.
“I am Dobio you fool!” The man roared. The name was
finally revealed.
“Do-bi-oh?” Stuttered the_phantom_spancker.
“Indeed it is I.” Smiled Dobio.
He tightened the binding on his bronze gauntlets. “But it seems that since none
of you wish to part with the cure…you will all…have to die.”
“Do you best!” Smirked _lightning_.
“I’d like to see him try.” Laughed Crono-.
“Be quiet!” Growled FIGMENTUM. “He is not to be judged
so simply!”
A purple ball appeared in the man’s hand. He readied himself, ready to crush it
with his single raised hand. A flash from behind the man caught everyone’s
attention. A blur flashed in front of Dobio as made
the ball disappear, turning to face who had appeared.
“Oh-reh wa
kuy-eh-tah yoh!”
Smiled the man, a familiar face.
“You’re back!” Smiled Qwoxyl.
“Who is he? Another one of Dobio’s
men?” Wondered carmelhadinosaur.
”No he is not. But he will die first!” The man charged as he threw his
fist towards the man who dodged it with speed that of _lightning_’s.
He grabbed Dobio’s hand as he threw him in the air,
ready to attack. But Dobio vanished, reappearing at
another location, landing on his foot.
“This will interesting,” Smiled Dobio.
“Interesting indeed.”
To be continued…