War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 20 - "Sors Part 2"
March 19, 2005
By Alkador
Note: Full of twists. Beware.
“Dobio!” Qwoxyl roared.
The man laughed as he took a single step forward with the sound of his black
clad armour coming together.
The man spoke once again. “We meet again…under the final hour of fate.”
XwaynecoltX whispered into ramagi’s
ear. “Whatever you do, you must put the cure in. We cannot be stopped at any
”Resistance is futile!” Roared Dobio.
“I will not hesitate in killing your friend here if you do it. Give me the cure
ramagi stepped forward as
everyone stepped in horror. randyrandy
growled. “Sister!”
ramagi flinched as she faced
randyrandy. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Randyrandy gasped when he saw ramagi, tightly gripping his lollypop as he did so. It
seemed that this was not the first time that he had seen her.
ramagi moved to Dobio as he handed him the cure. The man smiled as he gave
his thanks. “Why how kind of you. See how easy it is when you comply?”
the_phantom_spancker gritted
his teeth as he stared at Dobio indignantly, who
destroyed the cure with a blue flame. Tom_s00 released his hold from Inuzuka-Kiba, who quickly stepped away.
“Now,” He smiled. “I will give you all an ultimatum.”
”No one’s going to follow your ultimatum!” Hissed _lightning_.
“Oh they will now. Sors Mori!” At that
instant, TheJoe324 fell to the ground, dead. “After they hear what I have to
No one spoke. There was silence. “All those who wish not to die just like BonusStage and TheJoe324; I will give you all an offer.
Join me and you will live and together, we shall show our true powers to all!”
“As _lightning_ said,” Growled carmelhadinosaur.
“No one will join you.”
ShittyKitty and Rooty-The-Pie
stepped forward with the group’s jaws in awe. They turned to face the other
with smirks on their faces.
”My spies,” Smiled Dobio.
“Know all.”
“How,” Gasped Afterburner. “Could you?”
“Anyone else?” Smiled Dobio.
“Sorry,” Muttered M-A-R-C-U-S as he moved towards Dobio.
“I don’t want to die.”
Dobio laughed. “I have unlimited source of alcohol
Slightly_Crazy_Dude moved at the word ‘alcohol’. He
did not say anything and did not look back at the group.
“Those who have joined you are all fools!” Spat RedCircle.
“No one else would dare do so.”
Yet he was wrong. FIGMENTUM and MPA stepped towards Dobio
as the man laughed. “Last chances now; anyone else?”
Jonthomson shook his head as he stepped forwards.
“I’m sorry…but I don’t want to run anymore.”
No one moved as the man summoned another ball of light. The smaller group
stepped back as Dobio squeezed it with randyrandy falling to the ground.
ramagi screamed as she ran
to her long lost brother. D0GMA stepped to her side, whispering something in
her ear.
“Well then, no else wants to join me?” Smiled the man.
“Then so be it! Yoink! Seal the hole or I will kill
you as well!”
YoinK_VineS quickly took his rod as he summoned a
binding spell on the earth, aware that Dobio could
hear him. He dared never join the man and his stupid group.
Dobio finished with a skill that would cause anyone
to attempt to open the hole to be faced with death. He laughed once more.
“I guess that’s all. Now that we’ve done what’s done, we are finished and we
shall leave you be. You are no harm to me any longer!”
And with that, the newly formed group vanished with a flash of light.
At once, the group quickly ran around TheJoe324 and randyrandy.
Ramagi picked her brother’s lollypop and kept it at
her side as tears rolled down her face.
”Dobio did it…again.” Cursed ReconRebel.
“No, he didn’t.” Smiled Eldarion, trying to reassure
“What do you mean?” Asked Crono-.
“I accidentally dropped…the second vial into the hole.” A smile curled
onto his lips.
“Thank you,” Smiled gfoxcook. “Our gratitude to you
cannot be expressed in any words.”
The wind calmed as all stood before the two bodies, dead from the hands of Dobio. There were spies, who had betrayed the men’s trust
and people who did not have faith in fighting for hope. Yet the virus that had
threatened the submission for too long had been put to an end at a great loss.
It was, as the stories of fate said, that all would go astray, as there would
be men that would threaten the world with the knowledge of the Ancient ones.
While the group mourned over the death of their friends, the group
of resistance were hidden from the rest of the world. And northwards,
beyond the fertile plains, a Geminus lord rose…
The End of Part 2 of The War of the Portal.