War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 3 - "A New Enemy"
January 22, 2005
By Alkador
Thanks to BonusStage
for checking the story with me.
“Something’s not right,” whispered ramagi. “Someone
unwelcome is here.”
RedCircle hugged his submission more tightly, noting
that it was now starting to make strange noises, as if in pain. “Don’t worry.
There’s nothing wrong.”
Gfoxcook opened the door and noticed that no one was
there. A flash of lightning flared across the sky, with a man many yards away
seeming to stare up into the sky.
“It seems that we are not alone.” ramagi said,
continuing to stare at her papers. She was using the power in her mind to try
and find out who the man at before the house was. Of course, her magic would be
detected, but she felt that this person was someone she had known by name.
Nothing came.
“Who are you?” Gfoxcook demanded. The guard knew that
this man did not just have any kind of skill in the Power. To create a
thunderstorm to spread for miles in such a short time took a great strength.
The man laughed, his voice seeming the echo the whole area. His cackling laugh
died and he stared down at Gfoxcook. Wearing a black
cloak with hidden black armour beneath, the man
seemed to not care about the guard and the people coming out of the house to
see him. A dark mask of shades covered his face; a special type of skill rarely
used. Of course, he used the Power to create a false face, but as to why, Gfoxcook did not know.
“Names are meaningless in this world,” Said the man. “It is only personalties, voices and faces we remember; names only
shape us to who we are told to be.”
“I don’t get you,” Said Qwoxyl. “What is it that you
The man laughed again as his sound seemed to stretch to the horizon itself. Gfoxcook knew that this was a skill in the Power as well,
to be able to manipulate sound waves at such a powerful level – this man was
out of his league.
“What I want is simple and perfectly clear. But the way I see you now…”
“What is it that you want?” Asked ramagi. “Do you
want my whistle, my rod or my powers?”
The man laughed again, his insane chortle pounding everyone’s ears.
“They are pathetic tools compared to what I want. Give me the cure!”
Everyone looked at each other as they heard the man say the word that meant so
much to them.
“What are you going to do with it?” Thought BonusStage,
who spoke too quietly for anyone to hear.
“I have my purposes…BonusStage.” BonusStage
jumped at the mention of his name. He wondered how he knew.
“All will be revealed in time. Let me just say that it is a rather simple
spell. Now, I asked for the cure. If you do not co-operate, I will have to take
it by force.”
”Why should we just waste something we’ve worked so hard on?” Sneered Recon_Rebel. The idea of losing something that would save
the world would have devastating effects.
“You do not wish to comply? Very well. Venias
vis viris mori!”
A ball of pink light erupted in the man’s left hand. Qwoxyl
fell suddenly as the man gripped the strange ball. Qwoxyl
grabbed himself as if in great pain.
“You give me the cure, he lives.” A smile curled on the man’s lips. His grip on
the ball tightened as Qwoxyl began to move
“What’s this?” Asked XwaynecoltX.
“My god…I’ve never seen anything like it,” YoinK_VineS
used the power to look beneath Qwoxyl’s body, noticing
the all his veins and nerves were infused with an energy matching the pink
ball. The man had total control of his whole body. “Th-this
is not right! What is this power?”
The man’s grip on the ball tightened. YoinK_VineS
looked back at the energy, noticing that it had expanded, forcing the edges of
veins and begin to flicker throughout his nerves, causing unimaginable pain.
“Get the cure or he’ll die!” Cried RedCircle.
The man waited, keeping a firm grip on the pink ball of energy. Of course, he
had this all planned and waited, for their next move.