War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 5 - "Choices"
January 28, 2005
By Alkador
“What’s done has been done. We have little time to take action to ignite our
plan,” Said the man. Of course, he had used a vast amount of energy to do what
he did and now that his location was discovered, he had to move quickly, before
it was too late. “They have learnt too much.”
”But our – your plan succeeded, right master?” Asked Tom.
“Indeed it did. But we have little time remaining. If I am to succeed in my
plan, we must continue east, beyond the portal to the ancient crevice. There,
our plan shall succeed.” The man saw it, using the power to see his future was
the best skill he could muster. Of course, this used a vast amount of energy
due to the fact that you had to be able to envision something so far ahead in
time. A vast speed based on the theory of relativity. Of course, it was not
that simple. There were more factors to consider it. But he saw himself
re-opening the ancient crevice that had a weak seal, and obtaining the ultimate
power to use for himself and the world.
“Let us go now,” He said, smiling. Tom would be happy that he came along and
the worry of resistance was not important.
“We have to go east,” Said Gfoxcook. “That’s where
he’s heading.”
The group stood next to the burnt house, in ruins from the man’s final counter
attack. They had lost everything – the notes to the cure and the chemicals
“His power was too strong,” Said XwaynecoltX. “How can we even match his skill?”
“We must try, regardless of his vast strength,” Said Jonthomson. “We
can’t let him re-open the portal as we learnt from ShittyKitty.”
“I must…avenge…” Muttered Qwoxyl. A look of pure rage
filled his eyes and there was no way to make him change his mind.
“But I still don’t understand how he’s alive.” Replied M-A-R-C-U-S.
“It was as Gfoxcook said,” Answered -Mazza-. “The man actually wasn’t there –
he used the Power to control an alternate body, an alter ego from a distance.
Of course, this was not his real body, but it was enough to do his task.”
“Then who’s going after him?” Asked YoinK_VineS.
“Me and Jonthomson shall go,” Said Gfoxcook. He
glanced at Qwoxyl and nodded. “Qwoxyl and ReconRebel can come, since they are
strong as well.”
“Slightly_Crazy_Dude is coming with me,” Added ReconRebel.
“I’ll come t–“ D0GMA was interrupted by TheJoe324.
“The rest of us have to return to the city – we need to find one of the guard’s
labs there.”
“But the city is infested with submissions,” Said RedCircle. “What chance do we
“FIGMENTUM and I managed to get out of the city fine. I’m sure that you’ll do
better.” Smiled Slightly_Crazy_Dude.
“Gfoxcook…I need to…come.” Said randyrandy. “After
all, I am strong.”
“Very well, but that is all.” The guard said. He looked at ramagi as she handed
her rod to Gfoxcook who handled it carefully.
“So what’s our plan again?” Asked ShittyKitty.
“Gfoxcook, Jonthomson, Qwoxyl, Slightly_Crazy_Dude and randyrandy are going
east to stop this man before he re-opens the portal again. The rest of us are
returning to the city, which is west of here to find the lab with the necessary
chemicals to produce the same cure for this virus.” Sighed
“Then let us be off,” Said the guard, who repolished his silver gauntlets.
“Time is of the essence and we both have great deeds that must be completed.
Farewell and haste be with you!”
The six men walked eastwards as the others watched, slowly returning back to
the city once again. The war had truly begun.
Over the hills, was a black creature, with demonic wings on back, watching, listening. He was hungry and had not eaten for a while. Of
course, it knew that it had little chance unless it ambushed them. It smiled at
the fact it could feast on the baby that the man held in his hands. He growled
to himself as he swooped from the cliffs, flying towards the unexpecting group.