War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 6 - "Beyond the Portal"

February 1, 2005

By Alkador

Thanks to RedCircle. Hope it’s alright.

Gfoxcook, Jonthomson, Qwoxyl, Slightly_Crazy_Dude, randyrandy and ReconRebel trudged on, ignorant of the cool air that gusted around them. The ground was unable to decide whether it was to mud or crusted clay due to the strange changes in the weather. The men had found an abandoned shack where there were a few supplies of food remaining – crucial if they intended to survive.
“We’ll be passing the portal soon,” Said Jonthomson. “Shouldn’t be much longer.”
They marched on through the hard ground, while keeping a firm hold of the clothes they had obtained from the mansion. They knew that times were becoming tough and that they had little time to do such simple tasks. It was strange how man takes so many things for granted.
The men stared to their right as they looked at the huge valley filled with stone. That was where the portal was. The sealing had done its job, creating a shield beneath the earth that stretched for kilometres on end. But the violent earthquakes at the time caused the huge cave in that could not be stopped. But after all the craziness that took place with the mysterious man, it seemed that anything was possible.

The sky thundered in the distance as the man stood far away, with a dark cloak flapping in the wind. He did not let the air get to him, he never would. Of course, he was going to pay a little visit, but he could not risk coming in his true body. The alternate body power was a very useful trick – one that took a great strength to use. His body suddenly vanished, causing him instantaneously to reappear closer to the men. No, it was not the speed of light, but it was close to it. He had to keep his last energy remaining or he could not even defend this ‘shell’ of his.

The men noticed something strange, something different about the horizon. It was not the typical dead brown colour, but there were signs of the green fertile plains. A view they had never seen before in their life. They spent their lives in the city, were few fields of grass were and here they are, in a barren plain with cold winds with green grassy fields stretching in the horizon.
“Is that what it’s like beyond the Portal?” Wondered Slightly_Crazy_Dude.
“It’s beautiful.” Commented ReconRebel, who had his mouth dropped in awe of the approaching landscape.
“I’m glad to have come,” Smiled randyrandy. “I’ve never seen anything like this since…”
“Yes, beyond the portal is the fertile plains,” Said Gfoxcook, appearing to be a know it all. “Long ago, these barren plains used to be green as well. But due to the construction of the city, the grass died. That’s why they stopped building the city onwards this way and continued the other way. And beyond the city is, well, you know.”

“Beyond the city are the outer suburbs. And beyond that is the port. Then there’s the port which opens up to the huge ocean.” Said a familiar voice behind him.
The men whip around suddenly and stare at the man who stands behind them, with a new form of mask, one where his face is old and wrinkled, his eyes bagged and skin seeming ready to fall off.
“How dare you!” Roared Qwoxyl. “One of my friends has died because of you!”
“As I said before, death is inevitable,” Said the man. “Life is not.”
“You…judge us as if we are like…insects!” Said ReconRebel.
“We all think differently. I judge you the way I do and you judge me the way you do.”
“I judge you as an arrogant, evil man!” Growled Slightly_Crazy_Dude. “You destroyed the very cure we had remaining!”
“I told you I did what I had to,” The man said calmly. “If you want to meet me, then seek me out at the ancient crevice. But you cannot destroy me, regardless of what you believe.”

Qwoxyl only smiled. “It is belief that keeps up alive. Only fools do not believe. Gfoxcook, I have a plan: Is there anything in the power that can make me move faster?”
“Yes, there are a few skills in time I know of. Like festinatio legio Qwoxyl!
A green dust of air wavered around Qwoxyl as everything became clear. Time seemed to move slow, slow enough for his speed to see normal. He smiled as he ran towards the man, whose eye’s opened in shock slowly. He swung his bat at the man’s head as he went flying to the ground, slowly spinning.
Qwoxyl flashed away as the man slammed against the ground again, eventually vanishing to appear back on his feet. Qwoxyl appeared in front of him as a blur as he threw thousands of hits, all of failing to strike the man. Qwoxyl weaved in a circle, behind the man, then back forth, hoping to confuse the man and smashing his face once again. The little trick was effective and forced the man fly to the ground, his head seeming to crack on impact. As the rest of his body landed the ground, he vanished in a puff of smoke.

He had done it again – Qwoxyl had defeated the man twice.