War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 7 - "Attack!"

February 4, 2005

By Alkador

Rain swelled and winds poured down as the men walked over the green plains, starring at the sky of darkness that began to engulf the world. It seemed the weather became far wetter as they approached the ancient crevice. Time was short and they had to stop the man. He could not walk away for what he has just done. The ignored the beautiful pink and blue flowers that were scattered in vast amounts throughout the plains and the mushrooms that stuck out of the sides of rocks.
“Are we ever going to get there?” Wondered ReconRebel.
“We should be there soon,” Said Jonthomson. “I feel the low levels of the Power seeping out in the distance.”
“What worries me is why he’s heading there in the first place,” Says Gfoxcook, who stares straight ahead, seemingly ignorant of everything around him. “Of course, it can’t be too simple. I hate to admit it, but this man has brains. The ancient crevice is weak and if it were opened…”
“What if he’s trying to keep the submissions alive?” Asked randyrandy, who walked on as if the journey did not affect him. “After all, he did destroy the cure.”
”It can’t be that simple. There must be more behind it!” Thought Slightly_Crazy_Dude. “My friend, Eldarion used to be a detective. Boy, how I could grovel and kiss his feet for all the stuff he’s done.”
“What are you on about?” Asked Qwoxyl, seeming to think that the man had gone mad.
“Oh, nothing, just how much of a man Eldarion was.” Slightly_Crazy_Dude smiled, continuing to mumble under his breath.

A black submission flew over the sky, over circling the group. It was longing for the taste of man and the city was near empty now. Of course, there were a few animals in the plains but these strange people seemed more delicious. The submission gasped as it felt a surge of white energy blast through its body, turning on unused sections of the brain, parts that no other submission had used. It felt memories never experienced surging through his body, memories that seemed non-existent.

The sky flashed above as the men ignored the lightning around them, moving on. Normally, they would be afraid of the bolts from the sky, ready to strike them. But their fears had overcome them to only fear worse. A bitter feeling, but times had changed and people had to adapt. It was only for the worse.

The ground shook as the men stared at a shadowy figure in front of them.
“You again!” Growled Qwoxyl, ready to attack.
“Wait, that’s not the ma–“ Jonthomson ducked as a beam of fire blazed over his head.
Wha-what’s this?” Muttered Slightly_Crazy_Dude, whose eyes were bulged at the shadow. Smoke from the ground faded away as a black demonic substance stepped forward, somehow different. This was not anything they had seen before. Of course, this creature was totally different to the original white submission they had seen. It was different to the black winged monster that it developed into. It seemed even worse than the black submission with a gem on its head, the one ReconRebel had seen within the portal. This was just different. It had legs, arms and a body. It had a head as well with its wings stretched out from its back. It seemed to resemble a human, charred from the lightning, with white bright teeth. It raised its hands forwards and black claws drooped from the fingers. This creature was almost human.
“It has adapted yet again. They seem to be growing stronger than ever,” Said Gfoxcook, who stared in awe at the monster who seemed to grow impatient. “Extermino!
A ball of fire engulfed the creature as it seemed to cackle loudly, the raging flames having no effect.

ReconRebel charged towards the demon, flail flaring forwards. The creature moved at incredible speed, catching his fist, twisting it and throwing him twenty feet in the air, landing on the ground directly behind him.
“Recon!” Cried Slightly_Crazy_Dude. The ground suddenly shook as a pillar of pink light blasted behind the demon. It seemed that the portal had re opened.
“You go after the man – I’ll take care of this,” Said Jonthomson. “Gfoxcook, take Recon and heal him. We are close to the crevice and I should be able to use some of the Power. Just, go!”
The others had no say as the walked and the demon seemed to understand. It knew that it would only fight Jonthomson and felt confident, ready to win. The others grabbed Recon and quickly ran, ran towards the ancient crevice that they neared.