War of the Portal
Part 2, Chapter 9 - "The Power of Destruction"
February 11, 2005
By Alkador
“My name is…”
“I don’t care what your name is!” Roared Qwoxyl, ignorant of what the man had
been saying. “It’s time you pay!”
“Oh well,” Sighed the man. “Tom, you take care of him. I have a task to do.”
The man turned to the hole and raised his hands, muttering the strange tongue
of the ancients, a conjuration Qwoxyl could not begin to imagine. Wielding his
bat, Qwoxyl charged to Tom_s00, who had gauntlets bound to his hand, most
likely taken from the man. He swiped a strike as Tom_s00 easily dodged it with
little difficultly, laughing at the lack within Qwoxyl. This only made him
angrier, launching a strike against Tom_s00’s head, with the servant grabbing
the bat and lifting it above his head, to cause Qwoxyl to fly behind him,
crashing into the rocks behind him.
ReconRebel stood up as he stared around in confusion, still stunned by the huge
wind that slammed him onto the ground in the first place. He looked at the man
who seemed to be summoning a ball of white light, a supernatural evil that he
could not trust. The man’s servant seemed to walk towards Qwoxyl, who lay near
a clump of rocks, reading to smash him. Grunting, ReconRebel ran quickly,
swinging his flail tightly to ensure he didn’t accidentally strike himself. He
came into the distance of the servant as he noticed Recon, swinging his bat and
dodging the fast swipe of the metal ball. Dropping the bat, the servant leaped
to ReconRebel, forcing a punch into his stomach. randyrandy seemed to
materialize behind the servant as he tried to cut the man’s head off with a
horizontal strike. The servant only laughed as he dodged the attack with little
difficulty. Slightly_Crazy_Dude charged from the servant’s left and ReconRebel
nodded. He knew what to do. Randyrandy attempted a second strike as the servant
swiftly shifted to one side. As that took place, ReconRebel swung his bat at
the servant, who also dodged the blow with Slightly_Crazy_Dude trapping the man
between the two, smashing his wooden bat across the servant’s head, causing him
to fly on the ground.
Qwoxyl stood up as he stared at Tom, who was on the ground. He only smirked as
he charged towards the man who was holding a strange pink ball of crimson energy.
The man muttered something as he turned around, sighing.
“So Tom wasn’t enough?” Smiled the man. He raised his right hand as energy
seemed to flow into it, causing his hand to light up. Energy from the portal,
thin white strips, tiny threads began to fly towards a ball that had formed,
moulding into substance, forming into solid, forming into life. A white
creature materialized from the threads of energy that the man had used to
create him. The man smiled as a blob of darkness began to pour over the submission,
then a bolt of plasma, seeming to shock the monster, growing, taller, and
burning into a mutated human like demon.
“Kill them!” Demanded the man as he turned around and the black demon
approached the four men.
Gfoxcook rose slowly as he looked at the man who summoned the black demon that
seemed to nearly kill them. He stared at the man who held a red ball over the
pool of pink light that radiated from the small hole. If anyone fell in, there
was no way of coming back up. He smiled as he gripped Yoink_VineS’s rod,
charging towards the man. Tom suddenly appeared out of nowhere as the guard
slammed the rod against his side, pushing him towards the other men. He
muttered under his breath to summon a simple protection spell.
The man turned around, smiling, holding the head sized red gem that was held
firmly in his hand.
“It’s all done,” He smiled. The spherical crystal vanished in an instant as the
man begun to mutter a deep incantation. Gfoxcook’s eyes widened as he
understood; he had to stop it now. Qwoxyl suddenly appeared behind the shocked
guard. He had no time to lose.
“Stop, this is beyond your league! Get out of here, now!”
Before he let the angered man say anything, he began an ancient skill that only
he knew about, a skill he ensured the man was not capable of. He began a
counter, the opposite of the man’s curse, to remove any damage possible. He
muttered quickly as he noticed the man’s chest seemed to glow a white colour.
He felt it, a core of energy, tucked in beneath his shirt. He pulled for the
power as he flashed his hand forwards, and pulled the portal gem and managing
to hold a grip of it, while the man tried to pull it back. Oh yes, with this,
he could do anything, powers beyond hope and death. With this, god was nothing.
He was just an ant.
The men stared at Gfoxcook, who seemed to have stars shifting around him. They
were not clear, but they could still be seen. A flare of nuclear energy that
appeared to mass in the man’s hands, ready to erupt any moment. Of course, the
men could see it and they ran. They didn’t know how they could, but they did
and the point was they had to run. Gfoxcook seemed to mutter faster as the
purple ball hummed louder and shook, like a time bomb. White hexagons appeared
to fade around the ball, effects of the counter attack. It was being done now
and it could not be stopped. The hexagons wrapped around the ball as it was
completely surrounded and then it happened – the ball erupted.
What could be seen in the distance was a huge eruption, shaking the lands and
sending a shockwave many miles in the distance. A burst of purple energy
expanded from outside of the bright light from the earth, recreating what the
land once was. It was the end, the end of another time and beginning of
another. The war had begun and it was now too late to stop it. All that could
be done was to fight it, to fight it to the very very end. Hope still existed
in the hearts of mankind and as long as hope existed, there was a chance. A
chance…to fight.