War of the Portal
Part 3, Chapter 1 - "Revelations"
March 22, 2005
By Alkador
After moving north to the abandoned military base, the team
have assembled and prepare for war against the uprising submissions.
The Elite Guard Supreme Commanders, Crono-, D0GMA, gfoxcook, ramagi, ReconRebel and YoinK_VineS were
in charge of all. They commanded everyone and were in charge of everything that
went on within the base. They organised meetings,
discussed matters of high importance and most importantly – planned for the
But one day, ramagi held some flowers, pink roses
that she had been carefully planting in the small garden she found that was
previously overgrown. She was ready to confess her love to a handsome man she
was too blind to see love for earlier before. She never knew that both YoinK_VineS and -Mazza- were both
in love with her and if she had, she would have taken both sooner. But she knew
that she could only have one and that would be YoinK_VineS.
Yes, she thought, she would give him the flowers and propose to him with her
golden ring, kneeling on left knee. How romantic! She knew that -Mazza- and YoinK_VineS hated each
other, but she didn’t know until recent it was because of their combined love
for her. She smiled at the thought of marrying YoinK_VineS
and her mind trailed off. She sniffed the flowers and sighed. She would have to
apologize to -Mazza-, who she felt would be terribly
hurt as well. Oh how bitter life could get!
Pressing her scented red coated lips together, she sauntered towards YoinK_VineS’ room. Everyone in the base had their own rooms
and it was even more unfortunate that YoinK_VineS was
next to -Mazza-‘s. Stopping before the door, she
prepared to knock. At the sound of voices in the room, she stopped. Her eyes
shifted to the slightly ajar door where she could see two people moving closely
together. Her eyes bulged in horror as she gasped at what she saw.
YoinK_VineS planted his lips around -Mazza-‘s, kissing passionately and hugging his warm tender
body. They caressed one another while speaking lovingly words as ramagi stared in sheer shock. YoinK_VineS’s
eyes shifted to ramagi’s at the door, and he smiled,
standing up.
“Oh come in ramagi,” Smiled the man. ramagi knew that he loved him; oh it just had to be the
truth. “We have something to tell you.”
-Mazza- grinned as he glanced back to YoinK_VineS, who spoke. “We’re engaged!”
ramagi continued stared in shock as -Mazza- stood up to hug YoinK_VineS.
Her heart was broken…
RedCircle studied the child like submission, which
seemed happy to walk around the room. It could walk and talk now, but RedCircle was sad that it could only speak Ancient tongue
and not English. ReconRebel and Alkador
watched the submission stutter. “O-obumbrata m-mundi.”
“What does that mean Alky?” Asked ReconRebel, who
took another sip of his alcoholic beverage.
“It literally translates to ‘world covered in shadow’. It sounds like a warning
to me.”
“He’s been saying that for some time,” Added Qwoxyl,
who was reading a book on the history of the Ancients ones. His eyes shifted
back to its pages, fully indulged in the true history of their lives. It seemed
that in their time, they preyed to gods and served under their service. It was
funny how people relied on such false religions back then.
“Mala urite!” Cried the submission
as he closed his eyes and fell on the floor to a fast sleep. The others stared
at Alkador as Inuzuka-Kiba
entered the room, in wonder of such silence.
“Evil…rise…?” Alkador speculated. “It’s grammatically
incorrect, but…I don’t know.”
”What’s all this?” Questioned Inuzuka-Kiba.
“The submission has just said something new,” Replied carmelhadinosaur,
who had been sitting next to Qwoxyl. “And it doesn’t
sound very good at all.”
gfoxcook studied the design of machine as he
continued to mutter ancient words.
“If we can make a perfect copy,” Said D0GMA. “Then we may stand a chance.”
“It’s a rather interesting design, you have to agree.” Smiled Crono-.
“Very.” Added the_phantom_spancker.
“If we can use to our advantage,” Said _lightning_. “Then this little baby
shall be our weapon against the submissions.”
The small group stared at the relatively large white coloured
tank as gfoxcook continued to attempt an exact,
workable copy. This had been his forty fifth.
XwaynecoltX stared around from the tower as he sighed.
“I hate being tower guard.”
“It can’t be that bad,” Entered a smiling XkwiziTOnE,
who managed to carry three cups of coffee into the room with bubbles of white
cream standing on top. No, this was no normal coffee, but the cappuccino, his
specialty. With the automatic door shutting behind him, he handed one to
“Anything new?” Asked Afterburner.
“Not really,” Replied XkwiziTOnE. “Just the same
Eldarion entered the room with a cup of coffee in his
hands as well. “Just thought I’d keep you company. Oh hello XkwiziTOnE,
how are you?”
“What’s that?” XwaynecoltX pointed to the horizon as
he saw a beam of pink white light burst into the sky.
“That,” Gulped Eldarion. “Doesn’t look very good at