War of the Portal
Part 4, Chapter 1 - "Freedom"

April 14, 2005

By Alkador


A cool breeze flew over the lands as the flowers came into full bloom, with small bumble bees drifting from flower to flower. The enormous variety that had grown had taken over the majority of the city, seeming to find the smallest of places to grow. The soft wet grass wavered amongst the wind as they were warmed by the white sun. The blue sky greeted the various types of flora that grew in every place and the small ponds with tadpoles swimming within. Spring had come into season and all was calm. The world had recovered into a perfect state of balance, and everyone was happy.

Qwoxyl sat under a huge oak in a foldable chair. He read a book as he smiled, next to carmelhadinosaur, who had recently fallen into the addiction. But most people were in their house, living life as normal. ReconRebel who was designing a game for everyone to play and Alkador had decided to make a story consisting of everyone that had been fighting in the past.
“((STUPID))” Sighed XwaynecoltX. “No one is going to like this. How do you expect anyone to find this funny or entertaining?”
Alkador sighed as he looked through the pages, wondering how no one could like such a story.
“You should make something more fictional.”

“This place is quiet without YoinK_VineS and -Mazza-,” Smiled _lightning_ as he began to make lunch for everyone. Of course, he was not alone.
“I hope they’re enjoying their honeymoon.” Smiled Afterburner as he quickly cut various foods, knowing of everyone’s fussiness as to what they enjoyed.
XkwiziTOnE sighed as he lifted his head upwards while taking the muffins out from the over. “They’re at it again.”
Since they had moved into the biggest mansion just on the outskirts of the city, Denvish and RedCircle had discovered their similar liking to music, finding some electric guitars in the city as well as some sheet music, taking them upstairs to play out. No one dared comment as to who they thought was more skilled, scared of offending the other. Yet they played as often as they could together, and had made many songs.

Crono- sat at the large lounge as he quickly added to his report. The city was abandoned yet the few people remaining began to start their lives again. They knew of the people living in the mansion and came to visit from time to time. Yet it was very sad to all.
“Nearly done?” Eldarion asked eagerly, wanting to read what the man had written.
“Just let me finish this paragraph and then you can read.”

gfoxcook sighed as he walked down the grassy street, where tons of debris lay around the overgrown streets and collapsed buildings.
“This place is quiet.” He sighed as he looked back to Inuzuka-Kiba.
“It is…only a few people here now.” Replied the younger man.
“Lunch should be ready soon,” Smiled gfoxcook as he rubbed his belly slowly. “We should be heading back. I’m glad things have calmed around here, but it is unfortunate it had to end like this.”

“Is lunch ready yet?” the_phantom_spancker asked as he entered the room.
“Nearly,” Grunted Afterburner, finding a tray to be rather hot. “In a few minutes.”
I can’t wait.” Smiled -Myst-, who was in an eager mood. The sound of the door opening brought his attention to Qwoxyl, carmelhadinosaur and ReconRebel, who he decided to talk to.
They began to talk of the honeymoon again as ramagi sighed, leaving the room.
“What’s up with her?” Wondered Qwoxyl. “She’s been rather moody recently. Maybe it’s that time of month.”
Manners please!” Growled gfoxcook as he entered the room with Inuzuka-Kiba and another girl and man behind them.ramagi isn’t the only lady that will be living in this house from now on. Meet Jessica_.”
”Nice to meet you.”
She said, smiling.
gfoxcook pointed to the man behind him. “This is MacBeth-, a former guard of the portal.”
“Hello everyone. You probably don’t know me because I was fired, but I’m staying here for lunch, so we can talk about it all.”

Lunch was ready as the twenty entered the huge dining room where they discussed their daily matters and such, enjoying the nice food cooked by _lightning_, Afterburner and XkwiziTOnE. Various lightly cooked meats were served with warm rolls slashed with a scraping of melted butter. Once they had finished, there were the warm butter muffins to deal with. When the conversation switched to -Mazza- and YoinK_VineS, ramagi pushed her plate forwards, standing up and leaving the room, wiping her eyes.
“I think someone should go talk to her,” Said RedCircle as he took another bite of his muffin, taking a sip of RC Cola. “She seems upset about this whole Mazza and Yoink thing.”

ramagi had decided. She would find Dobio and show the people who did not care for her. Taking her rod and whistle, she quickly performed words to make her invisible, with XwaynecoltX wondering where she had vanished to when he entered the room. It seemed that peace did not last forever.