War of the Portal
Part 4, Chapter 2 - "Journey"

April 16, 2005

By Alkador


ramagi set her pace fast as she used a spell to slow time around her to speed herself up. She seemed to journey long and far, watching birds fly ever so slowly across the sky. She took some snacks when she was hungry and drank water when she needed to. She found no submissions lurking across the grassy plains, yet she felt irked at that fact.

She had stayed at Eldarion and Alkador’s house for a few hours, taking what she needed. When finished, she burnt the house which erupted in an enormous eruption of flame due to the large containment of naphthalene. Ignoring her thoughts, she continued towards the geothermal vent. Stopping just before the rise of geothermal vent, she felt the presence of powerful traps laid before the hole. But she did not intend to open it. Thoughts ran through her mind as she remembered how her kingdom, she being the queen, was destroyed by a civil war. With her and her father keeping the knowledge of the ancients themselves, he quickly made her leave the island. Yet her brother watched in anger, hurt and betrayed him greatly. She was going to marry her husband, Pure_Lionheart, who loved her very much.

Detecting the location of the teleportation took her hours and she finally located a spot two miles away. She found it without difficult and noticed the path continued to move in confusing directions, most likely to prevent anyone trying to trace them. Yet, after many days of attempt and work, she found her first clue – a portal stone. It was a very fragmented one and would shatter for those who did not know what to do with it. It had shown that Dobio and the group had been hunting for portal stones, a possibility he was trying to help them learn to wield the Power.

Finding a small grove in a tiny valley, she made her rest there, easily sleeping. She had strange dreams, dreams of YoinK_VineS caressing her thighs, her chest and breathing warm air on her neck. When she felt it was too real, her eyes flicked open and she looked around, finding no one in sight.

The next day, she found a lone submission that charged towards her, only to be destroyed by a pool of flame collected at the ground. Her anger was strong which caused deadly mutations in the Power. Of course, after the destruction of the tower and the death of the Geminus lord, half of the submissions that existed in the world ceased to be. She shuddered at the thought of the lord’s power, most likely greater than that of the black cloud.

Again that night, she had dreams of YoinK_VineS, yet her eyes flicked open and she threw her hand at the wrist that lay over her chest. She gasped as she recognised the man, who quickly stepped back, clearing his throat. He sang in a low, melodic voice.
Oh my love, my darling. I’ve hungered for your touch, a long lonely time.
ramagi sighed as she stood up to face Pure_Lionheart who tangled his arms around her body. “It’s been so long. What happened to you?”
ramagi sighed as she had no choice but to tell of everything that happened. Pure_Lionheart could tell if ramagi could lie and his insistence was too strong to escape.
Yoink? How dare he hurt you like this?”

Pure_Lionheart stood forwards, hands on hips and head high. “I will take revenge for you; my love.” He ran towards ramagi as he pressed his lips firmly to hers, kissing her passionately, his love never lost for her. Pure_Lionheart smiled as he ran off, with ramagi standing helplessly in her spot. She sighed and sat on the grass as she waited for the air to warm and sun to rise, setting off again to find Dobio. She had to get away from her king-to-be before he did anything else foolish!

After a few hours, she found a single oak tree on a small hill. She walked towards it, finding a trap door carefully hidden beside the huge wooden roots. She used her skill to detect presence of life. She smiled as she knew; she had finally found Dobio.