War of the Portal
Part 4, Chapter 3 - "Problems"

April 19, 2005

By Alkador
Note: I hope no one gets angry.



“We are defenceless!” Muttered _lightning_ as he stormed down the corridor. With YoinK_VineS currently holding his own rod, they had no portal stones to defend ourselves if anymore clans of submissions intended to pass through the city and name it their home.
“Well we can’t just sit here and growl about it!” Roared Inuzuka-Kiba. He stopped breathing for a second to realize he had lost his patience. Everyone had.

“Everyone in the lounge please.” ReconRebel repeated as he went through all the rooms. It was rather strange that the group had befallen frenzy and some began to fight with others. When everyone, who squabbled, was present in the lounge, Crono- cleared his throat.
“Now can everyone please calm down,” He said in a cool determined voice. “If everyone is going to fight, we’ll never get anything done.”
“Then what do you suggest we do?” Mumbled carmelhadinosaur.
“We are unsure,” Responded gfoxcook. “But now that we are here, we can all decide on a method of keeping ourselves safe without the use of the portal stone.”
“What if another black cloud were to gather,” Mentioned RedCircle. “I’d think we’d be in a bit of trouble then, don’t you?”
“Ok, you just need to think about it,” Sighed Denvish, now an Elite Guard Supreme Commander. “We’ve or some of us have used the portal stones to protect ourselves before. Why don’t we just find another one?”
“That’s a dangerous idea,” Said ReconRebel in a concerned voice. “Most portal stones are found within the portal.”
“Not necessarily,” Said Eldarion as everyone turned to face him. “I remember once there were some tiny glitters at that geothermal vent. I think portal stones form where the connection between the world and the portal are stronger.”

“There has to be another way,” Said XkwiziTOnE, who ate a butter muffin. “I mean, there has to be some place in the city that has a stone or even some cave.”
“There was one place,” Alkador said. “I read about in stories. There was an old man that was said to live in a cave of jewels south of the city where the ice begins to stretch.”
“Not all stories are true you know,” Said Qwoxyl in a disagreeing tone. “Some are made by people to make the world seem more magical than what it is.”

Qwoxyl, calm down.” Said gfoxcook. “We can always take TheJoe324’s method of transport.”
“Not everyone can fit,” Added the_phantom_spancker. “Who’s going to go?”
We will take the people most capable,” Said the man. “Those who are strong and capable.”
And who may those be?” Pondered XwaynecoltX, giving Alkador a cold stare.
“I would like to nominate myself as I am the only one in this room as of current that has capable skill in using the Power. Then ReconRebel an–“
“You’re choosing commanders!” Grunted Afterburner, who felt everyone was being excluded. “Why not give other people a chance?”
“Let me choose,” Said ReconRebel, feeling that gfoxcook had spoken for too long. Alkador.”

At once, a huge debate occurred between the group, some saying they didn’t want to go and others saying they didn’t care. Others saying that they had more potential than the man. Alkador looked around, unsure what to say. After the complaining had died down, ReconRebel spoke again.
And Denvish and _lightning_. Who else do you want to come gfoxcook?”
Everyone nodded as they looked to the guard. the_phantom_spancker.”
At once, the group dispersed and the six walked towards the back room, where they quickly began to speak.
“Do you know exactly where this place is Alky?” Asked Denvish.
“I think so,” He said. “It’s shouldn’t be too hard to find. It was said to be before a great pinnacle peak.”
“We’re here.” Said gfoxcook, looking at the medium sized helicopter. It wasn’t any normal helicopter, but the legendary roflcopter.
Everyone boarded as the roof above them opened instantly. Wind tore everywhere as the launch pad lifted the roflcopter to concrete ground. gfoxcook and ReconRebel took piloting as they slowly lifted themselves up, with the continuous sound of ‘rofl’ occurring every time the blades spun.
The two set throttle forwards as the roflcopter turned to face southeast of the city. The mansion was situated northwest of the city and sunsets were a beautiful sight. The machine quickly flew without trouble as it passed over the tons of debris that seemed like litter in the city. There were many unexplored streets and alleys, possibly even people still in hiding.

The roflcopter passed over the city as it flew over grassy plains, plains that would have once situated endless grains of sand. After a time of flying, a white peak became visible in the far distance, slowly rising from the horizon it carefully hid under. The group smiled as they moved onwards, hopeful.