War of the Portal
Part 4, Chapter 6 - "The Last Ancient"

April 29, 2005

By Alkador

Note: For the sake of simplicity, the Ancient speaking Ancient tongue (Latin) in this chapter will be translated by Alkador. At times the Latin is displayed; you may assume that the Ancient tongue (Latin) was not translated.


The huge submission giant charged to the group as he roared in a rage. A geyser of lava erupted from the ground as they all entered the roflcopter. The blades began to turn immediately despite the large icicles that had attached themselves to the machinery. The submission growled as it threw a ball of fire towards the flying transport, which quickly dodged the destructive power as it hovered upwards.
“The shadows of earth are rising again. The King has awoken.” Muttered Stamper as the giant submission became an ant as they moved northwards.

“What does he mean by the King?” Asked Denvish as he shivered, looking at the collapsed mountain in shock.
“The last Geminus lord has risen. His coming will be an end if none fight.” Stamper said with an expressionless face, seemingly calm over the whole incident.
“Was that the King’s work?” Stuttered _lightning_ as he looked back at the ruins. He turned his head away, unable to bear the shock he has experienced. “The destruction of the mountain?”
No,” The four looked at Stamper in shock. “Only the guards of the King. They are a force that is as strong as the other Geminus lord who is dead.”
“Can’t we just do what D0GMA did to the last Geminus lord?” Suggested the_phantom_spancker, remembering the blue light that came from the heavens during the huge battle against the submissions.
“D0GMA?” Stamper stared at the_phantom_spancker; the name very familiar to him. “God’s servant!”
Do…mini?” Alkador looked at Stamper.

“I am the last Ancient alive in this world,” He said slowly, giving time for Alkador to translate. “When the Gods departed the world, three servants came to be, always dying and returning in an alternate life.”
An alternate life? Departed?” Denvish appeared confused. “So D0GMA was a god…do you know who the others where?”
“When the servants died, they were brought back in another body, unaware of their past lives. They were still able to summon the Power to a level they previously had learnt. The other two gods were Dobio and the King himself.”
“The King?” ReconRebel gasped as he walked into the small compartment, shaky of the whole incident. “You’re going to have to tell me about this. Then we’re going to have to find out about how the submissions managed to destroy a mountain so huge!”

Qwoxyl ducked as Rat charged at him in rage. Rat threw a ring of fire as Afterburner appeared from behind.
Qwoxyl, XwaynecoltX, XkwiziTOnE! Come here!” Roared Crono- as he grinned, his right hand placed forwards. Afterburner and XkwiziTOnE appeared by his side, placing their hands on top of his. Inuzuka-Kiba grunted as he threw binding threads of a red colour at Rat. Qwoxyl and XwaynecoltX gasped for breath as they placed their hands on the others.
“Relax and think of our bodies becoming one,” Said Afterburner as he breathed slowly. They focused and felt each other with a strange aura glowing around them. It was done. Penta formation!”

The five smiled as radiating auras appeared around them. They charged towards Rat as XwaynecoltX felt a strange urge in his body, sliding on the ground and leaping up to give Rat an uppercut. Qwoxyl dashed forwards, unleashing a blow from his pipe and slamming it against Rat’s head. The creature growled as it roared deeply, throwing a hail of ice towards XkwiziTOnE, who was instinctively aware of what actions to take. He dodged with great speed, moving like a blur as Crono- flashed behind Rat, throwing him upwards. Afterburner grinned as he flared forwards while XkwiziTOnE threw him into the air, towards Rat. Afterburner roared as his fist glowed blue; his silver gauntlet smashing onto Rat’s chest. The creature gasped as the force brought him to the ground, breaking the floor as he did so. He coughed blood as he tried to breath. Mustering his final energy, Rat stood up.
“You may have defeated me twice, but next time, I’ll avenge you all for Dobio’s death!”
Two black holes formed on his back as small rockets jets appeared from beneath his fur. A flare of fire boosted him away as he laughed manically. His laughed continued as he smashed through the mansion walls to escape.

“But Dobio is still alive…” Eldarion said, cradling his broken arm from Rat’s attack.
“It was bad timing too,” Sighed RedCircle. “Just as we were getting ourselves a better defence.”
carmelhadinosaur gasped as he stared at the group, shocked at the Penta formation. “What kind of power is that?”
Afterburner puffed as he slumped against the wall. The whole mansion was in ruins. “It seems that ‘Rat’ is back and he’s nastier than ever.” He glanced towards carmelhadinosaur. “That power is different to that of the Power. Traditionally it was the_phantom_spancker, _lightning_, MPA, Crono- and I that performed that, but…”
“But three of those people are away…” Sighed Inuzuka-Kiba. “The Penta formation is an increase in strength that requires five men who have a great willpower. It can also be done with more people or even less but five is the best number.”
“And what about those red threads that came out of your fingertips?” RedCircle breathed as he stood up to stare at Inuzuka-Kiba. “What was that?”
“My body has been infected with Portal threads. Because of that, I am able to manipulate air around me to a lesser extent.”

The roflcopter landed on the helipad as gfoxcook smiled. His was tired and he was more curious as to what happened to the mansion.