War of the Portal
Part 4, Chapter 9 - "The Power of Unsealing"

May 6, 2005

By Alkador



The King of the Portal laughed for joy as he looked upon the world. Soon, he thought to himself. Omega would be cause of all oblivion and the submission’s rebirth as the supreme race of this world. He looked upwards to stare at the billions of crimson threads that protected the heart, the centre of the world. It was the source of all his power and his children’s life. He felt the power of various seals present upon the world; five recent powers that would be a hassle. Yet he probably could destroy all of them at once if he wished for it to be. D0GMA was dead and Dobio too. All he had to do was the find the final demigod and stop him before he gained full power. The memories thousands of years ago still radiated in his head as he felt nostalgic for a brief second.

The gods spoke in Ancient tongue staring upon the thousands of Guardians of the world.
“You have no need of us anymore. We shall depart and let you live with one another. Our meaning here is non existent if we are to stay; your meanings will be purposeful if we leave.”

Those lines had confused the King for a while, but in the end, it had made sense. The Gods did not want to intervene in the Ancient’s lives, so they departed the world. The true meaning of life it seemed was for humans to serve under the power of submissions and obey all that they wished. The Gods departed the world as they knew this fate was inevitable. But they created a human comfort by creating three demigods to take their place. The Gods were fools as well. At once, he spoke without thought.

Vocare vis viris eminus mei pectus,” He paused as he raised his two hands as if asking for a blessing from the churning pink skies above him. "Vis viris vocare effringo omnis iam,” Yes, the King was going to break all seals that had been placed on the portal. The stronger seals prevented the more powerful submissions escaping and it was time to begin Omega. What else would be a better time? "Effringo meus intestinus universum!"

The world shooks as the billions of threads vibrated in their positions, having a life of their own. The lands roared as the threads soared upwards, breaking the hundreds of underground earth and structure that wingless submissions roamed upon. The threads poured upwards like a supreme power, moving towards the hundreds of seals that had been carefully placed throughout the world in the thousands of years. The threads touched the blue transparent seals that increased in power, resisting the energy of the threads. They groaned as the threads pushed harder in every spot. Each seal could not stand the strength of a million threads packed towards breaking one seal.

The sound of earth giving way caused gfoxcook to gasp as he ran towards the front door. The world shook violently as he gasped to see what lay on the doorstep before him.
“Is h-he really dead?” Blinked RedCircle as his awed face stared at the dead blooded body.
“Indeed his is,” gfoxcook said as he pulled the sword out of Dobio’s chest, which dissolved from his hands. “Only Dobio could use this…” gfoxcook grabbed the portal gem from his neck as he quickly slipped it in his pocket. He grunted as he stared at the crumbling world around him. Stamper summoned a protection spell to keep the area around them intact.

Wh-What is this?” Tom_s00 looked around as the ground seemed to shake like a massive earthquake.
“Did Dobio really set a trap as powerful as this for death?” MPA growled as he stared at ramagi. “They will die for what they’ve done to him!”

The seals snapped like fragile stone as the threads pressed further onwards to the crust of the earth. Their last strength caused the earth to slightly rise as they all fell; disintegrating from all the energy they had used to break the seals in the first place. And it was done; the portal was unsealed.